The 420 Plus is a single-channel digital weight indicator housed in a NEMA Type 4X/IP66-rated stainless steel enclosure. The indicator front panel consists of a large (.8 in, 20 mm), six-digit, seven-segment LED display and twenty-one-button keypad. Features include:
- Drives up to eight 350Ω or sixteen 700Ω load cells
- Supports 4- and 6-wire load cell connections
- Two configurable digital inputs
- Two configurable digital outputs
- Electronic data processing (EDP) port for full duplex, RS-232 communications at up to 38400 bps
- Printer port for output-only RS-232 or 20 mA current loop communications at up to 38400 bps
- Optional analog output module provides 0–10 VDC or 0–20/4–20 mA tracking of gross or net weight values
- Available in 115 VAC and 230 VAC versions
- Available in DC power version The 420 Plus is NTEP-certified and pending Measurement Canada approval for Classes III, III HD, and III L at 10,000 divisions.